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Karola Soe
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Golf Resume

Scoring Average: 76

Gross Scores: 



  • (26-07) Won Estonian Ladies National Championships 74,75,78
  • (14-07) Estonian Junior Open 75, 76, 73 1st place U18
  • (04-07) XXVIII Niitvälja Karikas 2020 79,78,77 2nd place
  • (01-06) Estonian Amateur Open 2020 by Tallink 75,76,84 3rd place
  • (16-18.02) Estonian winter championship, 80,76,74 2nd place
  • (29.02) Estonian Golf school open, Cypros 75,78,75 1st place


  • (20.04) Saaremaa GC Season Opening 83
  • (27-28.04) Kullo Golf Finnish Junior Tour (FJT) 79,79,79
  • (11.05) Kuressaare Open 79 – 1st place
  • (24-26.05) Estonian Amateur Open Champs 83,87
  • (4-5.06) Pickala Golf FJT 85,82,77
  • (28-30.06) Niitvälja Cup 80,82,80
  • (29-31.07) Estonian Junior Open 74,80,71 – T3 place
  • (8-10.08) Finnish Ladies Amateur Open 83,72
  • (16-18.08) Latvian Ladies Amateur Open 78,80,81
  • (23-25.08) Estonian National Championships Stroke Play 80,76,79 – 2nd place
  • (7-8.09) Pirkkala Golf FJT 80,86,77
  • (28-29.09) Vuosaari Golf Audi PGA Finnish Tour Q-school for 2020 season 88,78 – 1st place


  • (28.04) Saaremaa GC Season Opening 81
  • (5.05) Kuressaare Open 81 – 1st place
  • (27-29.06) Finnish International Junior Champs 83,88
  • (6-8.07) Niitvälja Cup 79,86,84
  • (26-28.07) European Young Masters 90,79,87
  • (7-9.08) Latvian Junior Open Championships 81,74,78 – 2nd place
  • (31-2.09) Estonian National Champs in Stroke Play 79,82,76 – 2nd place
  • (14-16.09) Saaremaa Open 82,78,80 – 1st place
  • (22-23.09) Catmandoo Finnish Junior Tour Q-school for 2019 season 80,79 – 1st place


School Name: The High School of Saaremaa
Academic Year: Year 11



  • Biology 5
  • Maths 4
  • History 4
  • Music 5
  • Chemistry 4
  • Art 4
  • Estonian Lit 4
  • English Language 4
  • Physical Education 5
  • Religious Education 5
  • Defense Education
  • Geometry 4
  • Language proficiency course 5
  • Russian 5

GPA: 3.4

NCAA Clearing House registration #: TBC

SAT Test Score: TBC

Personal Statement

Golf has been a part of me for most of my life. It started slowly when I was 6 years old and as something that was just fun for me but as time went on I found myself on the golf course more and more. My role model and coach Mari Rauna inspired me to aim higher and with her encouragement I can see myself as a college golf player and my dream is to play on the tour with the best in the world. At the moment with every practise and tournament I’m motivated to give my best and I have a clear goal that I’m working for. I’m a hard worker and determined, I don’t give up. I am able to adjust and make changes to my golf swing – this is not difficult for me. The opportunity to play college golf is a dream come true for me and I would be extremely happy to be part of a supportive professional golf team.

Additional Achievements


  • Won Estonian Ladies National Championships 74,75,78
  • Won u18 Estonian Junior Open 75, 76, 73

Swing Footage


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