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Ava Graham
Date of Birth :
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Desired Start Date to US :
Coach :

Golf Resume

Gross Scores: 


  • Selected for club team undefeated in 6 matches: Wins 5, drew 1
  • Won West Kilbride Junior Girls Open
  • Selected to represent County Team in variety of competitions including annual Kennedy Salver Tournament and Scottish Junior Team Championship
  • Lowest round of 83 achieved in club competition


School Name:St Aloysius College, Glasgow

Academic Year:S2


NCAA Clearing House registration #: TBC

SAT Test Score: Oct 2024


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Personal Statement

My passion is sport. I enjoy playing as part of a team and working on my own in order to reach personal goals. I am highly motivated to succeed and thrive on competition. I am active in a variety of sports including hockey, athletics and golf.
Initially I played golf for fun with my brothers however in 2019, I at- tended the Solheim Cup and during the Covid pandemic, my golf im- proved significantly such that I entered my first National competition in 2021. These recent experiences have driven me to explore the option of a golf scholarship in the USA. I enjoy meeting new people and forging friendships. My favourite subjects at school are English, Biology and Chemistry. Having the opportunity to continue my studies whilst playing competitive golf both individually and as part of a team is my current goal. I understand that doing this abroad will require a great deal of com- mitment and determination however I am focussed and prepared to work extremely hard in order to ensure that this can be achieved.

Additional Achievements

  • Captain School Hockey Team
  • Captain School Inter House Hockey Team – winning Inter house Tournament
  • School Sports girl of the year (four consecutive years)
  • Hockey Club Player of the year (twice)
  • U14 Scottish Hockey Finalist

Swing Footage
