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Davy Chan
Date of Birth :
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Desired Start Date to US :
Fall 2026
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Golf Resume

Scoring Average: 


  • NK 18, de Haar: 81,78,81,74 ( par 71)
  • NK 21 Noord-Nederlandse: 78,85 ( par 72)
  • Framas Open, Germany: 81,76, 82


  • May 1st-2nd, National Championship U19: 82-82 (par 71)
  • September 17th, Strokeplay Club Championships: 74 (par 70)


  • May 2nd-4th, National Championship U19: 80-82-84 (par 71)
  • August 2nd-5th, Framas Open: 80-77-74-80 (par 71)
  • September 3rd- 4th, Haenen Jeugd Open, Tilburg: 83-86 (par 70)
  • September 24th-25th, Heuvelrug Jeugd Open, Utrecht: 85- 85 (par 72)


School Name: Sports Academy Utrecht

Academic Year: 2nd year of study

Major Interest: Sport related


  • English Language
  • Dutch language
  • Maths
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Sports Teaching Event Organisation

School Name: High School of IJsselstein (Cals College)

  • Maths 8 (A)
  • Physics 7 (B)
  • English Language 7 (B)
  • Dutch Language 6 (C)
  • Social Studies 7 (B)
  • Economics 6 (C)
  • Sports 7 (B)

GPA: 2.9

NCAA/NAIA Clearing House registration #: tbc

SAT Test Score: tbc

Personal Statement

From a very early age, I wanted to be a professional athlete.
I have loved sports from the moment I could walk. I started with miniature golf at the age of four and a few years later, I started to accompay my father to the golf course. From the age of ten, I started to play golf and loved it immediately.
When I heard the stories of one my friends who went to the US to get a college degree and play golf, I felt inspired.
It has been my goal ever since, to get a college degree (preferably in Sports) and play golf in the US.
My ambition for the upcoming year is to stay calm on the golf course and to have a lot of fun with all the tournaments.
And becoming the best version of me.
One of my goals for 2024 is to win a tournament and to have a few top 5 finishes.

Additional Achievements

Swing Footage


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